تعتبر شركة الندى للصناعات الغذائية من الشركات الحديثة والرائدة في تصنيع وتسويق المواد الأولية التي تدخل في صناعة المقبلات الغذائية (حبيبات حصائب الشيبس) تحت العلامة التجارية “ندى
ومع تنامي الطلب في السوق الأردني وفي الدول المجاورة ومع نمو وزيادة الطلب على الإنتاج، تم تركيب أول خط لإنتاج المواد الأولية (حبيبات حصائب الشيبس) وذلك باستخدام أفضل خطوط الإنتاج الأوروبية وأجود وأرقى مواد أولية بالعالم لتصنيع حبيبات الشيبس المعدة للقلي المصنعة من البطاطا أو القمح أو الذرة
بالعمل والتعاون كفريق واحد وبشكل متواصل، جهزنا كل الوسائل والطرق للمضي مع زبائننا للوصول إلى أفضل الحلول الخاصة والتي تخدمهم وتلبي متطلباتهم وجودة منتجاتهم وبتسويق منتجاتنا إلى أكبر مصانع الشيبس في المنطقة أصبح منتج ندى بمقدمة المنتجات، فمنتجاتنا عالية الجودة ومطابقة للمواصفات ولا تحتاج إلى أكثر من إضافة بعض المنكهات والقلي، كما أنها تمتاز بوزن خفيف وجودة بالمذاق
We are one of the leading producers of snack chips-pellets in the Middle-East. Our Products-Range includes potato and cereal pellets in various shapes, considering the changes in the consumer’s inquiries, our assortment has been extended to include a wide variety of chips pellets.
We are glad to see chips products that are prepared from our pellets at home and abroad!, and we wish to achieve a successful fruitful relationship with our clients by fulfilling their requirements.
We are committed to delivering all markets with high-quality products and uphold ethical business practices. We strive for the development of a relationship with our suppliers that continually improve the product quality and safety that our customers and consumers demand.
Our vision is to grow, lead, expand and evolve by putting our words into actions. We are confident that Al-Nada.co will provide nothing but great outstanding products that will leave great imprints behind by continuing to work ethically and transparently.
Our TQM based on Codex Alimentarius Guidelines. Our TQM enable us to guarantee the highest Safety and Quality standards which comply with the requirements of both our Customers & Official Departments at home and abroad.
As a new company we are work through integrated system of quality management like ISO 9001:2008 & HACCP & ISO 22000 which enable us to get the highest quality of products.
Quality Laboratory (QL) is involved in the control of the flow of all materials which enter into the process, starting from the ingredients and packaging materials, to then pass on to the intermediate half products and right up to the pellets and end products of the frying or hot air expansion production. All the batches of produced pellets are re-tested after 3 days (stabilization period) in conformity to their key attributes agreed upon together with the customer. QL is responsible for the enforcement of the Plan of Analysis regarding all the microbiological-chemical-toxicological tests which are run by the external lab. QL plays a significant role in the R&D activity.
The importance of the R&D activity is intrinsic for our products which have to face constant changes of market expectations. This department is particularly active in understanding the expectations coming from different Customers and Countries. We have R&D activity either pushed by Al-Nada or\and pulled by the customers and these go hand in hand with partnership